Tipus d'ajut obtingut
Xarxa alumni

Pertegás Sender


Catedràtica de Dret Internacional Privat (Universitat de Maastricht / Universitat d'Anvers)

Lloc de residència

Països Baixos

Correu electrònic


Marta Pertegás holds professorial positions at the Faculties of Law of Maastricht University (The Netherlands) and the University of Antwerp (Belgium). Since 2019, she is a Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg (South Africa) and since 2021, an Adjunct Professor at IE Madrid (Spain).

At Maastricht University, she currently serves as one of the two Directors of M-EPLI (Maastricht European Private Law Institute).

She has extensively researched, lectured and published on international dispute resolution, the private International Law of the European Union and the work of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Through the PAX Moot Court Competition in Private International Law and other EU-funded projects such as FAMIMOVE, she hopes to raise awareness about uniform private international law and foster transnational exchanges over the role of private international law in global challenges.

Tipus d'ajut obtingut

Becari/ària en estudis internacionals o europeus



Per a quin tipus d'estudis

Màster en Dret

Universitat de destinació

Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina (NL)



Darrera actualització: 05/12/2024