Governing bodies

Consell Rector Catalunya Internacional

The Governing Council

The Governing Council is the highest governing body of the Catalonia International Consortium and is made up of the following members:

  • The Presidency, which corresponds to the person holding the Presidency of the Government of Catalonia.
  • The Vice-Presidency, which corresponds to the head of the ministry responsible for the foreign affairs at the Government of Catalonia.
  • The spokespersons, who are appointed as follows from among the members of the Consortium:
    • Five spokesperson representing the Government of Catalonia, one of whom is the head of the sectoral secretariat responsible for foreign affairs of the Government of Catalonia and the other four are appointed by the head of the department responsible for foreign affairs, one upon the initiative of the head of the department responsible for foreign affairs, and the remaining three, one by proposal of the head of the department responsible for business, one by proposal of the head of the department responsible for culture, and one by proposal of the head of the department responsible for research and universities.
    • One spokesperson for each of the other public and private consortium members. The consortium member entities may agree to be represented by the person acting on behalf of one or more of the consortium member entities.

The Presidency

The Presidency of the Consortium is held by the President of the Government of Catalonia.

The Executive Council

The Executive Council is the Consortium's permanent administrative and management body. Its structure is as follows:

a) The Presidency, which corresponds to the person who holds the office of Vice-President of the Governing Council.

b) The spokespersons, which are performed by individuals appointed as spokespersons of the Governing Council, in accordance with the following structure:

  • Two individuals representing the Government of Catalonia, one of whom is the head of the sectoral secretariat responsible for the foreign affairs of the Government of Catalonia.
  • Two individuals representing local administrations and municipal entities, corresponding to the spokespersons appointed by the municipal entities.
  • Two individuals representing universities, university research institutes and business schools.
  • Two individuals representing the economic, trade union, business and social sectors.

The spokespersons shall be persons appointed by the consortium member entities from each of the sectors represented.

The Directorate-General

The head of the Directorate-General is appointed by the Governing Council upon proposal of the Presidency after a public contest, for a period of four years, which may be renewed. The current Director-General of Catalonia International is Laura Foraster i Lloret.

Organisational chart

Organigrama Catalunya Internacional

General contact:

Press contact: press(ELIMINAR)

Last updated: 05/12/2024