Social networks as a tool to strengthen face-to-face activity

Presentation of DIPLOCAT's actions in the digital field to ESEI master's students in international relations

Jordi Arrufat, project manager at DIPLOCAT, welcomed today a group of students from the master's degree in international relations at ESEI, a business school from Barcelona, and presented the consortium's activity in social networks and the use of other digital tools.

In the session, which took place at DIPLOCAT's headquarters in Barcelona, Arrufat spoke about the consortium's functions, its members, and the different types and goals of its social networks. He also explained that most of DIPLOCAT's activities fit under the concept of soft power in the field of international relations. One of the practical examples he showed to the students is the international #BooksAndRoses campaign for Catalonia's Day of Books and Roses on 23 April.

Arrufat concluded that for DIPLOCAT, social networks are in no way an end in themselves, but serve to reinforce face-to-face actions, which are the ones that have a major impact despite the complexity of today's world.