Annual meeting of the Alumni Network

It took place yesterday evening at the Museum of Forbidden Art in Barcelona

Around fifty members of the Catalonia International Alumni Network gathered yesterday at the annual meeting that takes place shortly before Christmas to make it easier for those who live abroad to participate. This time the meeting took place at the Museum of Forbidden Art in Barcelona and consisted of a guided tour followed by some networking time. The Director General of Catalonia International, Laura Foraster i Lloret, welcomed the attendees and encouraged them to take part in the mentoring project, which has been launched this year. Speaking on behalf of the alumni, Pablo Pareja Alcaraz, former grantee and currently Serra Hunter associate professor of International Relations and assistant vice-chancellor to the rector of the UPF, thanked Catalonia International for its commitment to education and training, especially with the historic Scholarship Programme.

Catalonia International offers since 1983 a scholarship programme for studies abroad in the field of international relations and, since 2019, it also offers Euro-Mediterranean studies scholarships at the College of Europe Natolin campus in Poland. In addition, the consortium has offered in the past grants for internships at its headquarters or at Catalan Government delegations abroad and currently offers student internships. The consortium also organized five editions of the Executive Master in Diplomacy and Foreign Action (MDAE), between 2013 and 2018. More than 400 Catalan students have already benefited from all these actions and programmes.