What we do
Catalonia International Alumni brings together all the people who have undergone training in the field of international relations and European integration during the organisation’s 40 years of existence.

Since 1983, Catalonia International has offered a Scholarship Programme for overseas studies in the field of international relations, and since 2019 it has also offered scholarships for Euro-Mediterranean studies at the Natolin Campus of the College of Europe in Poland.

In the past, the consortium has also offered Catalan Government grants for internships at the headquarters of Catalonia International or the delegations of the government abroad, and currently offers student internships at the organisation's headquarters.

Lastly, DIPLOCAT organised five editions of the Executive Master in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs (MDAE) between 2013 and 2018.

As a result of all of these activities and programmes, more than 400 people have forged a connection with Catalonia International in order to undergo training in the international field.

The Catalonia International Alumni network was created in order to highlight the organisation's work in the area of capacity building, while also providing a tool to maintain contact among a broad network of professionals who have chosen a wide range of career paths but share a common profile and objective: to enhance Catalonia's international outreach.


Scholarship recipients

With the aim of training professionals who specialise in international relations, European integration and Euro-Mediterranean policy and will help to position Catalonia at the global level, Catalonia International offers a scholarship programme for Master's studies abroad. These scholarships are open to graduates from Catalan universities who are interested in specialising in international relations and diplomacy or in the European Neighbourhood Policy (and more specifically, Euro-Mediterranean policy).

Scholarship holder on Euro-Mediterranean studiesScholarship holder on International or European studies



Professional workplace internships provide a type of training in which students engage in forms of learning that are different to their normal training activities. Although they only occupy a short period in the initial training, internships enable students to develop a range of professional competencies, such as acquiring knowledge of a working environment linked to the profession, organising a workload, taking on responsibilities, making decisions, developing strategies to gain an understanding of the job market, and beginning the process of finding future employment.

Trainee student


Executive Master in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs (MDAE)

The Executive Master in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs (MDAE), which was taught in Barcelona for five years between 2013 and 2018, aimed to offer complementary training on diplomacy and international relations to professionals in the Catalan administration who worked in these fields. Like all programmes designed to train people who already have university-level qualifications and hold executive or management positions, the MDAE had three basic characteristics: a wide range of educational content; an eminently practical focus; and a flexible approach to study.

MDAE graduates


The aim of the Alumni network is to provide a meeting-point for Catalan professionals who work in the field of international relations and have received a scholarship from or undergone training since the start of the Program in 1982. It can also provide an opportunity for those who hold senior positions or work in an international organisation to help and share their expertise with professionals who are at an earlier stage in their career.

The network's members include all of those who fall within any of the categories described above and who wish to form part of the initiative.